Visualize results

Results Explorer / Chart maker

The results explorer consists of:

  • A suite of pivot tables and charts

  • Options to change the plot renderer (Plotly and Google Charts)

  • Options to filter the data from the server.

  • The ability to save charts for later viewing and editing.

First, select in the filters bar the feature or variables and click load. Then select which kind of plot you prefer from the suit of charts and tables at the drop down menu. Select the type of aggregator and then start building your results pivot table.

To add dynamism, there are two render options in which the user is able to see and edit their results: Plotly and Google charts. Both are online analytics and data visualization tools, find this option on the drop down menu located at the top left corner then select the most adequate for your project. If you want to change from one render to another remember to click Load after switching this option.

Plotly: By hovering the pointer on the chart, an edit menu will appear at the right corner of your plot. Here you will be able download your result, zoom in and out, edit etc. If you choose to edit your plot, it will automatically take you to the plotly site where you will be able to style and analyze it with several statistical tests.

Note: To create a scatter chart the filter should be used to select more specific data.

My Charts or Chart Collection

The chart collection contains all the saved graphs and plots from the results explorer window. By clicking View on the image, a slide show will display the selected image. If there are some changes to be performed, simply click edit and this command will take the saved result into the Results Explorer window in order to perform any modification.

Last updated